Several years ago, the insurance industry leaders at Thomas Howell Ferguson P.A. CPAs noticed an unfilled need with insurance accounting and financial professionals. This centered around hosting a conference based entirely on current insurance market trends and topics and their respective financial impact on those organizations. Insurance companies, and their related entities, operate in highly-regulated environments with many complex rules, regulations, dynamic requirements, and unique events that require specialized knowledge and experience. In 2011, with the help and involvement of other industry experts, THF hosted the first Insurance Conference on Financial Reporting (INCON).
Now, more than 10 years after the first conference, the newly named Financial Reporting Insurance (FINREP) Forum is the conference for insurance accounting and finance professionals. Conference participants consistently remark that the annual event is a tremendous opportunity to engage with THF’s experts, as well as their industry colleagues in discussing the current insurance market trends and topics and related challenges while earning CPE.